25 April 2010

april, where did you go?

oh april showers thank you for a rainy sunday so i can play a little catch up with the blogosphere...

it's been a busy month filled with lots of planning, scouting, sourcing and travel...

sunny saturday trolling around brooklyn looking at new art spaces....
hmmm, something's a brewing!

field trip!
intern and i did some material sourcing at my favorite place,
build it green.
our outing was super successful,
installation in progress at the ol gallery

next off to san francisco, for a wee minute.
business needed tending too!
first stop tacos, second stop pops.
in the middle of the mayhem i am glad i got to see some of my favorite faces in san francisco:)
it was a quick productive trip and even got a little quality time with friends, music, and food.
my other best friend.
king khan and the shrines at bimbos did not disappoint!

11 April 2010

fatty pad

well well well
2 distinct and very different events, one evening.
UNO thirty days NY opened.  yes it was packed, steamy, and awesome.
i didn't take any photos because i figured there would be enough here.
DOS friend in town, staying at a fatty fatty pad in the les.
i thought i was at thor based on the views and teak deck,
it was a little more than i could handle or believe...
yes some people really do live like this!

05 April 2010

lookie lookie kylea is here!!!

my kylea borges piece arrived today!!!
i am so happy it is now in my life...
thank you curator babes for introducing us:)

"when i'm with you" by best coast